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Show your support! 

There are plenty of ways to show your support for Center for Children, our programs, clients and events. Your support is vital to the work we do in our community. 

Become a Monthly Partner of Center for Children

Your Monthly contribution helps us support our mission to ensure that EVERY is healthy, happy and safe! You will receive a Center for Children Partner T-shirt as a small thank you for your monthly gift of any amount. The children in our community depend on us and we depend on the support of our partners. 


Creating discussions about

Positive Mental Health

Check out all of these activities to help families start the conversation about mental health!


Kids Yoga

Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both mental and physical health. Yoga can help decrease stress, relieve anxiety, help fight depression, relieve migraines and so much more. Here is a great family friendly Yoga activity that is perfect for children and people of all ages. Challenge your family to participate in activities like these together weekly to help strengthen your mental health.

Read Together!

Parents are encouraged to read with children beginning as early as infancy. Reading together increases your ability to empathize, helps prevent age-related cognitive decline, reduces stress, prepares you for a good nights rest and can alleviate depression symptoms. Reading at home can also increase vocabulary, raises self-esteem, builds good communication skills and strengthens the prediction engine that is in the human brain.

Help Your Kids Understand their Emotions 

Kids who understand their emotions are less likely to act out by using temper tantrumsaggression, and defiance to express themselves. A child who can say, “I’m mad at you,” is less likely to hit. And a child who can say, "That hurts my feelings," is better equipped to resolve conflict peacefully. Teaching your child about his emotions will help him become mentally strong. Kids who understand their emotions and have the coping skills to deal with them will be confident that they can handle whatever life throws their way. Read more

Together We Can End Child Abuse!

Cute Kids Posing Against Wall

Help Prevent Child Abuse in our community!

Happy Heealthy & Safe Kids (5).png

Help Us Raise Awareness and stand with us in the fight to End Child Abuse!

Prescription Drugs

Help Prevent Prescription Drug Misuse & Abuse!

National TAKEBACK Day?

Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. That's dangerous and often tragic. That's why it was great to see thousands of folks from across the country clean out their medicine cabinets and turn in - safely and anonymously - a record amount of prescription drugs.

The DEA’s Take Back Day events provide an opportunity for Americans to prevent drug addiction and overdose deaths.


If you know a teen struggling with substance abuse please contact our office! One of our team members will be happy to connect you will help. Click below to learn more about out

Teen Substance Abuse Program! 

Breaking the Stigma

Mental Health is a GROWING concern in our nation. Center for Children is joining the national movement to raise awareness about mental health. It is important that we work together to break the negative stigma associated with mental health challenges. During this nationwide time of crisis there has been a drastic increase in the amount of new mental health cases in adults and children. Knowing that it is okay to seek help for you or someone you know is key to a brighter future.

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Spread the Word 

We need your help! Its is up to us to bring awareness to mental health and some of the challenges individuals face. We as a community have to teach the importance of positive mental health. Understanding the signs of mental health challenges in adults and children can be crucial. Contact Center for Children if you or someone your know may be dealing with mental health challenges. It is important that you remain healthy both physically and mentally. 



Become a volunteer for one of Center for Children's Programs. 

Your donation helps support children, teens and families in our community.

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Find ways you can speak out against child abuse.

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© 2025 Center For Children, Inc.

A recognized Maryland 501c(3)  

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