Outpatient Substance Abuse
Adolescent Substance
Abuse Program
About the Program
The Adolescent Substance Abuse program is an outpatient substance abuse program designed to assist teens with drug related problems become drug free and improve their lives. The program provides random urine screenings, weekly individual, family and group sessions to address drug related problems.
Program Goals
• Help youth become clean from all illicit substances
• Assist youth in developing effective skills to address daily stressors
• Help youth resolve and avoid legal conflicts
• Effectively coordinate with mental health services
• Provide evidence based treatment to all those served
Screenings Include:
Drug screened for the following
(but not limited to):
• Cocaine
• Marijuana
• Opiates (Heroin, Oxycontin, Percocet, etc.)
• Alcohol
• Synthetic Marijuana
Program Components
There are two components to treatment Intensive outpatient program (IOP) and non-intensive services.
Intensive services
Intensive outpatient program provides a structured approach for treating adolescents who are dependent on drugs. The program was developed based on a model that grew from a need for structured evidenced based treatment for clients who abuse or are dependent on illicit drugs. This comprehensive program provides clients and their families 16 weeks of structured programming and 36 weeks of continued care.
Non-intensive services
Provides evidenced based services to develop healthy coping skills to maintain abstinence from illicit substances. Non-intensive services include random urine drug screenings, individual and family sessions targeting drug related problems.